Communication to: UN Working Group on Discrimination Against Women and Girls: Expert Members Ms. Elizabeth Broderick, Ms. AldaFacio, Ms. Ivana Radačić, Ms. MeskeremGesetTechane, and Ms. Melissa Upreti From: Bandie , Global Network for Movement on Japanese Military “Comfort Women” Issues [1] We submit this communication for your consideration and request the WGDAWG to speak out on two issues of urgent concern: 1) to the government of the Republic of Korea: regarding the harassment by prosecution and media against women’s human rights organizations working to resolve Japanese military sexual slavery issue; 2) and to the government of Japan: regarding their effort to redress the Japanese military sexual slavery issue and invigorate discourses that would contribute to this effort. This communication is issued in response to current urgent issues that have emerged recently in regard to the movement for justice for survivors of Milit...